Sunday In The Park With George

Work as a Paint Lead/Running Crew Member

Role: Paint Lead/Running Crew

For this show I got a lot of experience with colour mixing and making paint sample boards. Most of the paint colours that I mixed for this show were mixed to match specific sources like the woodgrain that was painted to match the theatre's existing proscenium or the pointillism that was designed to imitate George Surats' famous technique. This show was a feat due to its massive scale and the small crew size, that being myself, the monitor and a singe crew member. The large flats served as projection surfaces, the set acting as one large canvas, which proved more complex than it sounds as we utilized multiple textured off-white techniques for the flats, risers and moving truck pieces.

I got to work with applying fabric to flats, repeating techniques across many pieces with consistency, and using a sprayer. I had limited experience with sprayers prior to this show and now it has become one of my stronger techniques.

Show Photos by: Lindsey Tran
Cast: Eli Yaschuk, Ethan Lang, Emily Gallagher, Rain Matkin-Szilagyi, Liz Janzen.
Set Design by: Ross Nichol  |  Video Design by: Matt Schuurman  |  Lighting Design by: Travis Hatt  |  Costume Design by: Deanna Finnman

Twelfth Night

Work as a Paint Second

Role: Paint Second

I got to work with a lot of new and interesting techniques for this show. I got to work with stretching and sizing fabric for backdrops, using unique brush alternatives like cobweb brushes and feather dusters, and scumbling hundreds of strips of wood for lattice work.

Show Photos by: Brianne Jang
Cast: Nida Vanderham, Robyn Clark, Milo Dubon, Lisa Kotelniski, Chassidy Andrews, Emily Smith, Colby Kinsey
Set Design by: Even Gilchrist   |   Lighting Design by: Alison Yanota   |   Costume Design by: Whittyn Jason


Work as a Paint Second

Role: Paint Second

There were plenty of projects and techniques to work on this show, the most prominent of which was the brickwork that covered the stage flooring. This brickwork allowed me to get very familiar with stenciling and wrapping static designs around an asymmetrical set. The other prominant element of this show was the metallic baubles, which we made twenty eight of. These baubles took weeks to build and were constructed from reinforced paper mache and metallic foil. The vertical panels in the set also utilized a three shade grey ombre that took a lot of care to blend together correctly. 

Set Design by: Alison Yanota

A Midsummers Nights Dream

Work as a Paint Crew Member

Role: Paint Crew

This show utilized a marbling technique that spanned the entire stage floor and revolve. I got very familiar with this technique and got to practice nearly every part of the process; rolling the paint, spraying the set with water, broom brushing colours in and splattering.

Set Design by: Zsófia Opra Szabó   |   Lighting Design by: Scott Peters